DESAN Shipyard - Turkey

Located in the heart of Tuzla, shipyard zone Turkey, with well-equipped workshops and large drydocks allow Desan to offer solutions and professional ship care service to clients. Focus on new  technology, innovation, customer satisfaction, superior quality, competitive price, careful planning, punctual delivery time and priority to safety.

Yard Area (m2)59,000 m2
Waterfront (m)1,315 m
Covered Build Facilities (m2)31,000 m2
Slipway (m)132 x 23, 115 x 20
Floating Dock 1
Length Over All (m)234
Breadth (m):41
For Ships up to:49,000 MT
Crane Capacity2 X 15 t
Floating Dock 3
Length Over All (m)145
Breadth (m):25
For Ships up to:8,500 MT
Crane Capacity2 X 5 t
Floating Dock 2
Length Over All (m)177
Breadth (m):27
For Ships up to:19,000 MT
Crane Capacity2 X 10 t

ÖZATA Shipyard | Turkey


Midia Shipyard