Inventory of Hazardous Materials

EPE S.A. are certified by Lloyd’s Register Quality Assurance (ISO 9001) for identification, sampling, reporting and preparation of Inventory of Hazardous Materials on board vessels, by DNV-GL for services on board ships as HazMat Expert Company, by Lloyd’s Register as approved Service Supplier for the preparation of I.H.M.

by American Bureau of Shipping as external specialist for VSCP preparation, onboard visual/sampling check and development of IHM, by Bureau Veritas for Visual and/or Sampling Checks on board ships, development of IHM EPE S.A. are also certified for the preparation of IHM on vessels according to : ISO 14001 , OHSAS 18001, ISO 16304 & SA 8000.

Furthermore, EPE S.A have DNV-GL trained and certified engineers as HazMat Experts who have extensive experience in making IHM (more than 240 completed projects).


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