Olympus Engineering has created an innovative solution “EconoMaster” which enables the optimization of the shipboard technical spaces, ventilation fans, and other various electrical consumers which saves up to 60% of the associated energy/fuel consumed to power these systems. The Vessel Optimization Platform known as VOP (an addition to the EconoMaster) reports the savings from EconoMaster instantly to a computer or smartphone ashore with all key data such a trend analysis and actual saving in financial terms based on current fuel pricing.

Olympus Marine Group has also developed the Structural Condition Monitoring Software (“SCMS”). This software offers reliable decision making tools for ship and shore staff, and enables the key decision making personnel as well regulatory agencies to view, analyse and make effective decisions on a broad variety of technical issues, such as the development of stress-related structural deficiencies and consequential corrective measures, which significantly improve their safe operation as well as their safety compliance.


CLA Consulting